Saturday, September 23, 2006

# 450 - # 459 Completed lst Oct.

#450. "Share My Blog" Country - India. When I was searching thru the blog world, this blog popped up which was started by a young 26 year old, on 22nd September. I say young, because his age is the same as mine - 250 - which could be a fault in Blogger-Beta. I haven't got around to changing my age yet, but........ ??? Great photos, including those "sidewalk chalk drawings". Our Russell Crowe, even gets a mention.

#451. Adventures of Barbara Gelnett Country - USA. A lady after my own heart, who shares & cares about other people !!!

#452. Hong Kong Great selection of photos.

#453. Fit Hippie Travels Country - USA. A great selction of photos.

#454. Irisheyes knitting Blog Country - USA. One for the ladies (and men) into knitting.

#455. el Jardin del Parais Country - Singapore. Interesting reading - I like the post called "The Boss", which I have read somewhere else. Great photos as well.

#456. Scrap Blog - Rose Li Country - Brazil. A blog where I could understand the language, but the photos speak for themselves if you are into scrap-booking.

#457. Con Hilo y aguja Country - Spain. Another blog, where the photos tell the tale about patchwork & needlepoint.

#458. A Creature Called Jane Country - Thailand, but currently in The Netherlands. Great photos.

#459. The Hinata Diaries Country - Singapore, but..........!!! Last but not least, for the week. Great photos of food, so make sure you have a full puku before you have a look. Other great photos as well.